Government and Public Sectors | MasterBond.com

Industrial Adhesives, Sealants and Coatings for the Public SectorFrom public transit to telecommunications to energy to security, Master Bond adhesives, sealants and coatings offer exceptional value for the public sector. We supply a wide range of local, state and federal agencies with compounds that feature high reliability. Many grades have important certification approvals. User friendly one and two component systems feature convenient cure schedules and easy application. Available in small to large quantities, products meet specific application requirements.



Industrial Adhesives, Sealants and Coatings for the Government SectorAdditionally, we supply many prestigious U.S. government research laboratories advanced formulations to support new project developments. These include NASA, NIH, NOAA, DOD and NIST. We provide one on one technical support and have decades of experience in solving problems. Special emphasis has been placed on creating new systems with improved mechanical, thermal and electrical capabilities. Significant progress has been made in compounding products for emerging technologies.

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