Chemical resistant, two part epoxy, EP41S-5 has exemplary resistance to a wide array of chemicals, such as acids, bases, alcohols, fuels, including gasohol, and many solvents, such as methylene chloride. It is widely used for bonding, sealing and coating, as well as encapsulating, which can be seen in this video demonstration. This epoxy combines formidable physical strength properties and electrical insulation values.



Video Transcript

Master Bond EP41S-5 is a two part epoxy system featuring outstanding resistance to many chemicals. Most noteworthy is its resistance to methylene chloride solvent, widely used as a stripping agent for epoxies. This system can be utilized for bonding, sealing, coating and as you'll see in this application, encapsulating.

Applying EP41S-5 with a syringe, we are encapsulating a circuit board using a mold to demonstrate tamper proofing. The epoxy has a moderate viscosity with good flow. We will cure the sample overnight at room temperature, followed by a post cure with heat. Upon cure, the epoxy has low shrinkage and features excellent physical strength properties and electrical insulation values. It has good adhesion to many types of substrates and is serviceable over a wide temperature range of -60°F to +300°F.

We tested the chemical resistance of EP41S-5 by preparing cured castings and immersing them in methylene chloride for 3 months. The results show that after 100 days, the weight change was less than 5%. This demonstrates that the chemical had no effect on the cured epoxy. We repeated this test with many other chemicals as well. The results confirm that this product has excellent resistance to many of the chemicals listed here, some with well below a 1% weight change. Complete test results are provided upon request.

This system is available in standard packaging as well as a gun dispenser. To learn more about EP41S-5 and how it can be used in your application, give us a call.