Die Shear Strength of Adhesives | MasterBond.com

Die shear testing is vital to assess the reliability of the adhesive for surface mount and die attach applications. At Master Bond, our adhesives are analyzed by an independent lab for die shear strength. Testing is based on Mil-Std-883 Method 2019. The main objective of die shear testing is to evaluate the adhesive strength between a semiconductor die and the substrate of the package. In this test the force is applied in a perpendicular direction to the die edge, and parallel to the die attach or substrate plane.

Illustration of die shear testing process

The compounds we used for testing are one component electrically conductive as well as non-conductive epoxy systems that have been designed for die attach applications and require heat for curing: Supreme 3HTND-2DA, EP3HTS-TC, EP3HTSDA-2, EP17HTDA-1, and EP17HTDA-2. Using a die size of roughly 2 x 2 mm (80 x 80 mil), the adhesives were applied and cured in accordance with their specifications. Results of the die shear test are indicated in the chart below.

Die Shear Strength Testing Results

Die shear strength test results of select Master Bond adhesives

Disclaimer: The findings in this article are not meant to be used for specification purposes.

Adhesives Featuring High Die Shear Strength

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